What’s Good?

Here’s What

Opinions are like nipples. Most everybody’s got them, but some are simply more prominent than others.

Yes, there’s always the matter of personal taste. A distinct lack of prominence could very well be the appeal of a nipple in the first place, like a hipster tweaking to a new band.

Or consider utility. Would not the nipple which sustains life and promotes growth be more prominent because of its very functionality? Though small in size, surely nipples as these are overgrown in their usefulness.

Some nipples are pointed and aggressive, with ever smaller bumps radiating outward like a shout through a bullhorn.

Others are compressed and muted, only beckoning deeper with the allure of a secret.

And others yet are devoid of smut entirely; instead nurturing and perpetuating the promise of humanity’s future.

And then there’s ugly nipples on a dude. Pretty much useless.

Here, I’ll provide my opinion on varied products & services. Let’s hope my nips are pretty!


So today I want to talk about Amazon. The company, not the rainforest. If I wanted to talk about the…

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But Is It A Planet?

Today, I would like to recommend Pluto TV. It is a completely free streaming service which is almost…

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